7 Ways to Improve Yourself and Career
- Smile at the start of every day and appreciate all the things that you have achieved. A positive start is a good motivator for the whole day.
- Believe in your ability and let persistence drive you to what you want to be. Nothing can stop you from achieving except yourself. Success comes with hard work, even chance or luck needs hard work.
- Learn from every failure you face and continue trying. Once you succeed, you will realize that the results you reach after several tries are better than the ones you could get if you were successful from the first try.
- Read articles, books, journals..etc. related to the career path you are in or interested to be in. Reading broadens your knowledge and makes you a master of the subject.
- Ask advice from experts and friends that you have in real life or through social media connections on issues you face in your career. People look to your issues from a different angle than the one you are stuck in
- Find a good mentor in your life that will provide you with constant advice.
- Reward yourself on the accomplishments no matter how small they might seem to you. Rewarding is a way to encourage yourself to continue the journey you started.